Dick and Gayl's Cruising Adventures

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We're done Looping (at least for a while).  Our web journal provides a glimpse of our qualitative experience, but some people (including us) demand the authentication of empirical data.  Here's a quantitative breakdown for the numerically attuned:
Miles traveled:     6397
Engine hours:      838
Fuel consumed:   2570 gallons
Miles per gallon:  2.5
Miles per gallon, discounting for fuel used by generator:  2.6
Breaking Down the Days:
Total days, from our departure from Fort Myers to our return there:
Days cruising:                  148
Weather delay days:        28 (Weren't we lucky?)
Rondezvous days:           15
Home visit days away:    16
Sightseeing stop days:    64
Miscellaneous measures:
Bird species seen:      169
Geocaches found:        202
Locks traversed:          154
Total lockages:            160
Boat cards collected from people we actually remember and hope to see again:     69
Hours spend quilting:   0