1. Double-Crested Cormorant Skull Creek SC
2. Snowy Egret Oatland Island SC
3. Great Egret Marshes near SC/GA border
4. Tri-colored Heron "
5. Red-Breasted Merganser White Marsh Is., Savannah
6. Killdeer Isle of Hope, near Savannah
7. Semipalmated Plover "
8. Hooded Merganser "
9. Belted Kingfisher Isle of Hope, GA
10. Ring-billed Gull Skidaway Narrows, GA
11. Forster's Tern Moon River, GA
12. White Ibis Little St. Simon's Island, GA
13. Laughing Gull St. Andrew's Sound, GA
14. Greater Scaup* "
1/31/05 Fernandina Beach, FL
15. Great Black-backed Gull
16. Purple Sandpiper*
17. Herring Gull
18. Black Skimmer
19. Ruddy Turnstone
20. White Pelican Amelia Is.and, FL
21. Common Loon St. Augustine, FL
22. Bald Eagle Crescent Beach, FL
23. Royal Tern Matanzas River, FL
24. Red-tailed Hawk Indian R., south of new Smyrna Beach
25. Bonaparte's Gull Indian R.
2/5/05 Titusville
26. Osprey
27. Horned Grebe Loxahatchee R.
28. Euarasian Collared Dove S. Palm Beach
29. Brown Pelican S. Palm Beach
30. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Riviera Beach
31. Turkey Vulture Manatee Pocket, FL
2/15/05 Clewiston
32. Loggerhead Shrike
33. Northern Mockingbird (Florida's State Bird)
34. Robin
35. Blue Jay
36. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
37. Yellow-rumped Warbler
38. Common Moorhen
39. Great Blue Heron
40. Red-winged Blackbird Lake Okeechobee
41. Limpkin Lake Okeechobee
42. Sandhill Crane Moore Haven Lock
43. Kestrel "
44. Black Vulture "
45. Mallard LaBelle, FL
46. Wood Stork Fort Myers
2/18/05 Miami
47. Monk Parakeet*
2/20/05 Ding Darling Preserve, Sanibel Island
48. Greater Yellowlegs
49. Willet
50. Little Blue Heron
51. Reddish Egret
52. Roseate Spoonbill
53. Pied-billed Grebe
54. Spotted Sandpiper
55. Red-bellied Woodpecker
56. Prairie Warbler
57. Cardinal
58. Black-bellied Plover
59. Dunlin
60. Least Sandpiper
2/21/05 Centennial Harbor Marina, Fort Myers FL
61. Palm Warbler
62. Green Heron
2/25/05 Cape Coral FL
63. Blue-winged Teal Rotary Park
64. Green-winged Teal "
65. Red-shouldered Hawk "
66. Gray Catbird
2/26/05 Cape Coral
67. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
68. Starling
69. Boat-tailed Grackle
3/1/01 Fort Myers
70. Cattle Egret
3/2/05 Fort Myers
71. Rock Dove
3/3/05 Centennial Harbor Marina, Fort Myers FL
72. Tree Swallow
3/5/05 Sanibel/Captiva
74.Pileated Woodpecker Ding Darling Preserve
75. Short-billed Dowitcher
76. Magnificent Frigatebird
77. Sandwich Tern Sanibel beach
3/6/05 Cape Coral
79. Burrowing Owl
80. House Sparrow
81. American Coot Okeechobee Canal near Indiantown
82. American Oystercatcher Mosquito Lagoon
83. Black-crowned Night-heron St. Augustine Municipal Marina
84. Whimbrel ICW mudflat south of St. Augustine
3/26/05 Jekyll Island
85. Carolina Chickadee
86. Chipping Sparrow
87. Mourning Dove
3/29/05 Jekyll Island
88 Eastern Towhee
3/31/05 Skull Creek, Hilton Head Island
89 Bufflehead
4/8/05 Marsh Harbor, Beaufort, SC
90 Tufted Titmouse
91Carolina Wren
4/9/05 Beaufort, SC
92 House Finch
4/17/05 Mt. Pleasant /Patriot Pt., SC
93 Fish Crow
94 Common Eider Charleston Harbor Marina
95 Barn Swallow Andersonville,
96 Purple Martin Georgetown, SC
ICW South of Myrtle Beach
97 Prothonotary Warbler
98 Canada Goose North Myrtle Beach, SC
99 Least Tern*
Nixon Crossroads, SC
4/23/05 Southport, NC
100 Brown Thrasher
4/28/05 Oriental, NC
101 Chimney Swift
102 Common Tern Chesapeake Bay near Crisfield, MD
103 Ruby-throated Hummingbird Janes Island SP, Crisfield
104 Eastern Bluebird
105 Ovenbird "
106 Brown-headed Cowbird "
107 American Goldfinch
Tangier Island, VA (Chesapeake Bay)
108 Song Sparrow
109 American Black Duck*
110 Savannah Sparrow
Tangier Island, VA
111 Common Yellowthroat (m) "
112 Summer Tanager (m) Coan River,
Solomons, MD
113 Mute Swan
Chesapeake City, MD
114 American Crow
115 Orchard Oriole* (young m, f)
116 White-eyed Vireo*
117 Eastern Kingbird
118 Yellow-breasted Chat
Lums Pond S.P., Delaware
119 Indigo Bunting
120 Hairy Woodpecker
Delaware Bay, New Jersey
121 Northern Gannet (imm., many)
Cape May, New Jersey
122 Great Crested Flycatcher Higbee Beach Preserve
123 Blue Grosbeak "
124 Sanderling
Cape May, New Jersey
125 Common Grackle
Rea's Farm
126 Red-eyed Vireo
127 American Redstart (m,f) "
128 Black-and-white Warbler "
129 Blackpoll Warbler*
130 Northern Rough-winged Swallow
131 Northern Flicker
132 Downy Woodpecker "
133 Yellow Warbler
134 Red Knot*
Reed Beach
135 Semipalmated Sandpiper "
136 Western Sandpiper
5/30/05 Birding with Peter Dunne at "The Meadow" Cape May
137 Glossy Ibis
138 Piping Plover
139 Gadwall*
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